Argo Marine Services™ Provides surface preparation solutions for the full range of architectural issues for all types of industrial warehouses. Our cleaning services and maintenance of deposits are made to the highest standards of quality and professionalism, enabling us to Provide top-notch service, giving you the confidence and security you seek in an industrial cleaning company. We Characterized the professionalism, quality and Commitment to our customers and we guarantee the best service in the Latin American market at the best price.

Our cleaning services and general maintenance deposits include:

Elimination of spills Difficult to remove
Removal of stains Caused by weather
Elimination of unwanted paint in metal surface
Removing dirt inside the tank
General cleaning of grease on walls and pipes
Removal of rust and old paint layers

For more information about The cleaning and maintenance of deposits, call + 809 732 4662 or by email to info@argomarineservices.com